
Owner & Manager

  It's hard to believe that Nick has only been drawing/painting for just a few years. His work is as accomplished as anyone who has been creating work for a longer period of time.

Nick is a locally based artist, living in Leicestershire. He has a stunning collection of work which can be viewed on his Web page and Facebook, these feature Dogs, Cats, Birds and other animals.

Working in mainly pencil and pastel, with the odd acrylics, Nick likes the effects he can create using these mediums. I recommend having a look at both his Web and Facebook to see his amazing work.

 Please take a look at my Gallery if interested in any of the pictures please contact me on


You can also get another look at my work on Instagram 

Under gallerythirteendn13





 Naval Crests and Military badges which can be personalised, they are hand drawn and painted,framed to order to commemorate which ever occasion you wish prices on acceptance. 

If you are interested in having a commemorative piece or the perfect gift for that special day made then please contact me to discuss the design.

We also have a Facebook page on
